If you need a list of all devices currently (or historically) connected to Exchange via ActiveSync, this PowerShell...
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Exchange Server
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O365 migration – List Exchange info including SMTP addresses and mailbox access
Have been doing a number of cut-over migrations from on-premises Exchange server (SBS usually) to Office365, and it is...
List mailboxes with Full Access permissions assigned
You can use PowerShell to produce a list of all mailboxes that have Full Access permissions assigned against them,...
Office 365 – disable POP and IMAP access for (all) users
By default all users in Office 365 (Exchange Online) have POP and IMAP access enabled. This is not always...
Export list of Exchange mailboxes and/or addresses
You may at some point want to get a list of all the mailboxes defined on your mail server, along with other details...
Use PowerShell to list all mailboxes a user has access to
Trying to find out which mailboxes a specific user has access to is a somewhat tedious process in the EMC. Thankfully...
Stop spam filtering external servers sending email from accepted domains
Normally email sent from your accepted domains (as defined in Exchange Server) will only be generated from within your...