Teams add-in not showing buttons in classic Outlook toolbars

Using ‘classic’ Outlook with the ‘new’ Teams can sometimes cause an issue with the Teams add-in. The add-in appears to load correctly and be active (File | Options | Add-Ins), but the Teams related buttons are missing from one or more of the Outlook toolbars, e.g. in Calendar the option to create a Teams meeting is not shown.

A possible solution:

  • Close Outlook and Teams (don’t just minimise, exit Teams from the systray).
  • Next go to Settings | Apps, and search for Teams Meeting.
  • Locate the ‘Microsoft Teams Meeting Add-In for Microsoft Office’ entry and Uninstall.
  • Restart ‘new’ Teams (and sign in if necessary) – this should trigger the add-in to be reinstalled.
  • When Teams is running, launch Outlook and check the toolbars for the relevant Teams related buttons.

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