by Rocky Beaven | Nov 15, 2024 | Microsoft 365, SharePoint
As an admin you may be required to move/copy files in SharePoint Document libraries between libraries or sites (or even just folders within a library). However, you may find that certain items do not get moved as they have been ‘checked out’ –...
by Rocky Beaven | Aug 22, 2024 | Hyper-V, PowerShell
A checkpoint was automatically created during a VM backup (using Veeam in this instance), but as the backup was interrupted the checkpoint was not merged, and the .AVHDX file began to grow (using disk space in addition to the static VHDX disk obviously). The normal...
by Rocky Beaven | Jun 28, 2024 | Microsoft 365, Office
A PC running the latest Microsoft 365 apps was repeatedly running low on free disk space despite the user’s best efforts at housekeeping. A cursory look identified the disk was filling up due to 51,200KB Outlook ETL files (created every time Outlook is launched)...
by Rocky Beaven | Apr 21, 2024 | Group Policy, Windows 10/11
A few users have encountered an issue when they login – for the second time – to their Windows 11 PC remotely (using RDP) where the screen is black but the mouse is present. No matter how long you leave it, the screen never refreshes. You can usually login...
by Rocky Beaven | Feb 9, 2024 | PowerShell, Windows 10/11
A clean re-installation of Windows 11 failed to detect the original (OEM) digital licence on the machine. The activation troubleshooter doesn’t resolve the issue. You can activate your licence by identifying the product key via PowerShell and then manually enter...